My mother is currently trying to console a sleepy, yet crying, little Caleb. And she is happy. I wonder if it is just built into grandparents not to ever get frustrated with crying. In fact, I think she thinks its cute. Too bad she is leaving after this week.
Caleb went to the doctor for his one month check up this week. He weighed in at 11 pounds 5 ounces and measured 22.5 inches. He's pretty huge. He also made the switch to size one diapers today (which was slightly traumatic for me-- he's growing up so fast!). It's incredible to watch him grow. He's catching up to Lillian (the Doran's little girl, she's six months old and absolutely adorable) and wearing 3 month clothing.
My mother and I head to Pittsburgh this weekend. Hopefully my sister Shayla will go into labor soon (not too soon... we want to be there for it!) and I can meet my new niece or nephew while I am there. I don't envy her though... the last few weeks were the worst. But it's all worth it in the end.
Well, it has been so far at least.