Saturday, August 22, 2009

Gma Farr

Five Generations with Spouses.
Aug 2008.
Vontella Farr's 100th birthday.

My Great-Grandma Farr turned 101 earlier this month. On Thursday she passed away. I've been wondering how to write up this post since I heard the news. Years from now, I want Caleb to know what an influence this remarkable woman was on me. How her appreciation for the small things in life taught us all to slow down and lighten up.

I want him to know that she let us pick out whatever cereal we wanted when we went to visit. Even if it wasn't on sale. Even if she didn't have a coupon. Even if it had sugar. I want him to hear the stories she had to tell about the Native American Reservations and the friends she had when she was just a little girl. I want him to see the sparkle in her eye when she would talk about her husband-- a man who has been waiting for her to join him for twenty years.

I hope he knows how feisty she was. And how gentle. I want him to read the letters she wrote me. I want him to know that chicken soup and a handful of nuts can cure any illness-- at least according to Gma. I hope I can share with Caleb the pure joy she had when family was around. How she would never ever sit down to the table while people were eating, because she was shuffling around in the kitchen.

Most importantly, I hope I can teach Caleb that you don't have to be "important" in the eyes of the world to be important to those around you. I hope he can see that she shaped the lives of hundreds of people just by being a mother, a grandmother, a great-grandmother, and a great-great grandmother. By loving the people surrounding her, she quite honestly changed their lives.

I don't know how to teach him these things, but I hope I can. I hope I can learn them for myself.


Martha said...

Amanda... I don't even know where to begin. I'm so sorry about your Grandma passing away. What an amazing long life she lived. I'm happy you were able to know her and love her. I'm thrilled you were able to get away as a family to NYC and see some sites together. I know it's been a long while since you've had that chance to just be a family. Then, you're moving?!! Where? Dearest Amanda, I would love to chat sometime, but I know you're so busy. I really am quite free right now, so give me a call if you want to go for a walk or meet at the please touch museum or something. Take care and know that I'm thinking about you. Hugs!!

farrma said...

A beautiful tribute to a truly wonderful I loved and greatly admired! Thanks for sharing this Amanda! Mom

The Watsons said...

My dear Amanda how do I tell you how sorry I am about your grandmom. I know how much pain that can be when you have such a great person like that in your life and they go home to our Heavely Father. Just remember all the things she shared with you and the great things that she tought you with her love and understanding. As for Caleb you are a great mom and I know that all the thing you want him to know about your grandma you will teach him with that same love and understanding that she gave you.

Katie M. said...

ah amanda! I'm so sorry! Here you are, all happy at church and we didn't have a clue about gma farr! You are strong, lady! She sounds like such a dynamic and incredible woman- and wow, she lived a great long life. How cool to have grown up as long as you did with her as an influenece..

I'm sorry. Hope you're okay!:)