Sunday, January 2, 2011

Snow Tubing 12/30/2010

Last Wednesday, Peter and I both saw a commercial for snow tubing and being the easily influenced people that we are, we decided to go for it. So Thursday we woke up, spent a ton of money getting passports (Peter's mother is Canadian and Caleb and I both needed passports), and headed to Blue Mountain for the day.

By the end of the day, Caleb's little legs were tired of taking three times as many steps.

New goal: Take a picture of the two of us each place we go.
So far: 1 for 1

It was really, really, really crowed so Caleb was an absolute champ for waiting in line as much as he did.

I'm a crazy mom and I made Caleb wear a helmet. He called it his "pirate hat."

It was really crowded, but we had a blast! We'd like to go back again sometime this season when it's not a holiday, to give us a little more time snow tubing and a little less time waiting in line. Definitely a fun day. We missed Charlotte, but we're hoping that by Christmas of 2013, she'll be able to join the crazy crowds (she has to stay away from germs for another winter, and then we're hoping she'll be able to have a grand entrance into society!)

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