Thursday, February 17, 2011


In December, Peter matched in San Diego for his residency in pediatrics. For the 9 months between February 2010 and October 2010, Peter was gone for 4 of them. He was in Norfolk {twice}, Bethesda, and San Diego doing "audition rotations" at the Naval hospitals. Despite the chaos in our personal lives, Peter did such a great job at these rotations.

In fact, he's going to hate me for posting this, but I have to, he just got an email from his residency mentor, a third year resident. She said, "I just wanted to let you know that you were very well liked when you rotated through here.  I got ready to put my bid in for you and give this long spill on why I thought you should come here and as soon as your name was said everyone had glowing praise for you." For a bit of context of what this month was like, Charlotte came home from the NICU and five days later, Peter left for San Diego. The same day Peter left, Charlotte was re-admitted to CHOP for the entire month. She was incredibly sick, and Peter was two thousand miles away. Not only was he on an intense rotation away from home, his own child was in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit with aspiration pneumonia and sepsis, went back on the vent, and had g-tube surgery. Not to mention how crazy I was during all of this. So for him to make such a great impression during such a hectic time, is just, wow. I'm just in awe of him.

Phew. Glad that's over.

Now we just have to figure out how to move our family 2800 miles, which would be awesome in a 'normal' family of four, but is just phenomenal when you add in a special needs child.

Caleb is pretty convinced that Grandma and Grandpa (Knickerbocker) are coming with us and I'm certain that this boy will be devastated when he realizes that both sets of grandparents won't be just a car ride away. I'm hoping that the calming ocean breeze will distract him, and that grandparents come visit often. Very often.

That goes for all of you as well. We move out June 2011. I expect y'all to make plans to visit asap.


brohammas said...

Were you not going to such a nice place to visit, we would be devastated at your departure as well.

Make sure your place has a guest room.

Ann said...

Many congratulations on the match, and kudos to you, Pete for bearing so well under all the unimaginable stress to make it happen. I think San Diego is closer to Wyoming, anyway, so we favor the move.

Ellen said...

I think it's the wife's job to brag about her husband. I do it all the time.

I'm excited for you to be in San Diego; much closer to Hawaii. We even visit CA on occasion. Too bad you won't be there in March when we will.

The John Hollingshaus Family said...

Yay for California!

Sharon M said...

I am pretty sure that Charlotte is the reason that her Daddy performs SO well under stress. Seriously. I am not surprised Pete impressed everyone so much--he is very even-keeled and has the ability to see the whole picture. This will put him leaps and bounds ahead of his peers! And because of Charlotte, he will never lose sight of what is important to the parents of these children he will take care of. He also knows that a doctor doesn't care for just the patient but also for the family as well and being on the "other side of the bed" will serve him well.

P.S. I just got back from California and it is just amazing...I can't imagine living there all the time. You are lucky ducks!!

-Gs said...

That's great Amanda. So excited for your family.