... of how many times we've been in the hospital at this point. And Caleb
IS NOT a sick kid! Believe me, I have seen sick kids while we're at the hospital.
THOSE kids are sick and Caleb is the maniac running around the place with his IV drip wheeling behind him. Seriously... don't believe me? Ask just about any nurse at CHOP what a lion says and they'll know-- Caleb made sure of it.
Anyway, looooooooonnnnnnggggggg story short, Caleb went in for his GI follow up appointment on Wednesday. Instead of the "everything looks fine, come back in a year for a check up, stay on the medications" etc that we were expecting, we were greeted with "Caleb really should be admitted for 5 days while we run some tests."
Lame. Peter is gone this month in Baltimore and the idea of 5 days in the hospital for some tests made me want to cry (OK, so maybe I leaked out a tear or two) so the doctor took pity on us and said we would run one test at home over the weekend and re-evaluate on Monday. Apparently they are concerned with some of his lab/test results as well as his drop in weight (we have to do pediasure-- has anyone done this? Any suggestions?).
They think he:
A. Has an internal hernia... not really sure what this means, but sure, we'll go with it.
B. Has something obstructing/slowing things down in his colon.
The test we are doing at home (called a Sitz Marker Test) times how long it takes for something to make it through the intestines. We'll go in on Monday for an X-ray and CAT scan and from there we'll decide if we can come back home to play or if we must terrorize the nurses for another week. They did make us stay in the observation area for a few hours, after his appointment, just to make sure his stools were not TOO bloody (TMI? sorry). After some good ol' IV fluids, strict instructions on how to feed him, and flirting with everyone he saw, they let us out to come home and chill.
We'll keep you updated!