Friday, July 8, 2011

Tender Mercies

Since we've moved here to California, Caleb has really had a rough time (well, a rough time for Caleb). He's still the lovable, crazy kid we all know, but he's very easily frustrated these days. It's especially difficult to watch, since he's been such a rock through everything with Charlotte. My heart breaks for this poor kid and all he's had to endure.

So I get it. I get why he's angry and frustrated and prone to tantrums.

I understand why he gets so upset when its not his turn, because it hasn't been his turn for practically half his life. I can comprehend his fear of everyone leaving him, because Peter left for several weeks, then I left for two weeks, then Grandma and Grandpa suddenly disappear and now Grandpere is gone... the poor kid. Not to mention we spent nearly three weeks in the PICU, expecting him to smile and behave when he really just wanted to go to the beach. (OK, maybe it was me that just wanted to go to the beach, but I'm certain he wanted out of that hospital room too).

But just because I understand it, doesn't mean its OK, right? I mean, he can't yell at the kids in his sports class because they stepped off their circles. He can't try to hit me because we're not going to the pool right.this.second. He can't spend three hours eating dinner because he doesn't like it, especially when he hasn't even taken a bite to try it yet. He can't cry hysterically every time I have him lay down to go to sleep, in fear that I am leaving him.

We've been looking around at preschools, trying to find something that would work for him for this fall. He thrives in classroom settings and loves, loves, loves playing with other kids. He misses his friends and often asks me where they all went. So you can imagine our despair when most preschools were looking at about $1,200 a month. Yeah. Ouch.

Today, however, we got a call from the Naval Medical Center (where Peter works) saying Caleb just got off the wait list for the pre school on base. We've been on this wait list for months now, and had been told to expect at least a year long wait. This preschool is heavily discounted, and highly rated. We're thrilled that he'll be able to start there in a few weeks. I'm grateful that our financial needs were met. But I'm even more grateful that Caleb's needs were understood.

When I told him today that he was going to be able to start school in a few weeks, he literally started jumping up and down and clapping his hands. He shouted, "Momma, I'll have friends there! They will like me!"

Sometimes we all need a few people around us that like us. Even when you're three.


farrma said...

Hi Amanda, You're sweet post made me cry for our dear little Caleb. He has such a tender heart for others that it particularly pains me when he hurts. So happy he gets to go to the new pre school. I know he'll love it! I can just see him jumping up and down with that sweet smile! Love him so much! Miss you all! Mom

Natalie said...

That is so great. He'll love it. Thanks for the reminder that things eventually work out. I needed that today.

Martha said...

Tears of sweet, tender joy! I love those kind of moments. CJ has had a rough time too... many more sad moments, but I think it's getting better. Caleb is just a champ and I'm SO happy he gets to start school soon. Such a fun thing for him! I hope you're doing well and finding friends like Caleb is looking for! :)

Jeanette said...

Someday, I want to be Caleb's friend.

The Calder's said...

so true! You are always so inspiring to me. what sweet children you have!!

Amanda said...

Yay!! I'm so glad he'll be able to go to preschool. I know the kids will LOVE him!! We sure miss playing play-dough and dinosaurs with him.

Chaci said...

Oh, this post made me teary. Caleb!! I'm excited he got into school. We miss you guys!

Andrea said...

That's great news! Transitioning is hard and so is age three, but having good friends is important. I'm glad that was worked out for you guys!

Katy said...

This post made me cry (a lot). I can survive the past 19.5 months of having a micropreemie except when I think about it in the context of my 4 year old son. School was such an important piece in getting him through this ordeal and I am so thrilled for Caleb. He will have friends, lots and lots and lots of them! Congrats on such a great door opening for your family!

Linze Kate said...

Caleb is SO sweet - very cute!
When I have kids, I am sincerely going to call you, Amanda! You are a great mom, and a good person. I'm glad there are moms like you out there because they give me hope for the world. :)
Pretty much, you're amazing. The end. :)