Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Real Life

So I've been catching up on blogs lately and I have to say, most of them make me want to vomit. Is that bad?

Seriously, the majority of the blogs I just read mentioned, quite seriously-- without sarcasm-- how their children are better than everyone else's children. And, of course, how they are better parents than anyone else.

They love it. They never get impatient with their children. They can't understand why anyone would ever want a babysitter just so they could have a *break*. Why would you have children if you didn't want to watch them? (I totally copied that word for word from someone's blog).

REALLY? You never think, "Holy crap, this child is never going to have siblings!" Or wonder why in the world you thought it was a good idea to have a screaming, snotty nosed, teething toddler? You never crave interactions with other adults? You never get tired of having absolutely no idea what, ";ifjadsjhadhflsdjafdkjhadfsjkhl" means when it comes out of your kid's mouth?

I LOVE being a mom. I love watching Caleb learn. I am constantly amazed at how incredibly resilient children are. And I want to have more of them. I'm constantly asked when Caleb is going to have another sibling... wouldn't I like to know!! I would love to have another baby!

But being a mom is tiring. There are days when I cannot wait for Pete to come home. There are days when I cannot wait for Elmo's World to come on. There are days I seriously consider daycare.

I firmly believe that you cannot forget who you are as an individual when you become a parent. Yes, much of parenting requires major sacrifice. But there is a REASON why you are a parent. You have something very specific to offer this child, and that is based on who you are as a person. If you lose touch with your self, what do you have to offer this kid?

Anyway, I probably shouldn't publish this post/rant, but I'm going to.


Mike & Rachel Barton said...

This post made me laugh-out-loud. That is totally me right now! McKayla has been a monster these last two weeks. Teething is going to be the death of me and I have said many times this week.."you are going to be an only child." Bad, I know, but that is how I feel at this moment!

I'm glad someone is ranting about this so I don't have to :) Thanks, Amanda!

The John Hollingshaus Family said...

Halleluia!!! And you need a vacation. Might I suggest San Fransisco:))))?????

Meredith said...

Was that woman's husband in med school? The one who never needs a babysitter? I don't think so.

I don't know why some women are ashamed to admit they need a break sometimes. It's not a character flaw.

Mandy said...

I am glad that you posted this blog. It is a glimpse into real life. Way to keep it real.

liz hawkins said...

I got really nervous thinking you were taking about my blog, but the second you mentioned "children" and "parents," I knew we were off the least for another few days. Phew!

Fike's Lives said...

The lack of adult communication. That is probably the thing I miss the most, that or not being able to take a bath by myself

Amanda K said...

Haha, I should have been more clear-- most of these blogs were friends of friends... That'll teach me to blog stalk people, eh?

MY friends would never, ever say things like that, right? Right?

Anyway, I'm glad I'm not the only frazzled one out there! You guys keep me going :)

Amber said...

AMEN SISTER!!!! There is nothing wrong with getting a babysitter... WE DO IT ALLL THE TIME. Plus, I think all those parents are lying anyways...they just want people to think they have it all together... It's not real. So post away chica.

Love ya

April & Anthony Callison said...

amen. i always feel like the worst mom ever after reading everyone's else's blogs.

people only write about the good stuff - but then again - i'm prob just as guilty...

Jenny Zepp said...

Hey Amanda...keep up the great mothering! Leave Caleb with your in-laws and treat yourself to some YOU-time. Rest and care are what make women shine. Why do you think I'm always smiling? I always ask for help and take time for's the most important think I can do for Maeli. She doesn't want a crazy mother!!

Thanks for the fun post.

Chaci said...

So the first paragraph made me a little nervous- Amanda the stick needs all the calories she can get and I certainly didn't want to be responsible for your disappearing completely! However, I was comforted as I read on...for I most certainly am not even close to having it figured out! Maybe you can refer a perfect mother to help me out? In the meantime I'll continue wiping up the baby food that has been expertly thrown across my kitchen. Ooops, am I bragging again?