Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bed Time Story

A transcript of the conversation between Caleb and I as he is getting ready for bed:

(We're sitting on his bed, reading stories and he is snacking on a sandwich)

Caleb: I ready to say prayers now. You say it?
Me: You want me to say the prayer?
C: No. I say it. Dear Heav'ly Father, Thank you for Charlotte. Thank you for making her all better. Thank you for Doctors, Grandma, Grandpa and Momma. Thank you for Daddy be a doctor to give medicine medicine and make people all better. Thank you for sandwiches. Thank you for big bites (he reaches down and takes a bite of his sandwich) Name of Jesus. Amen.

And since there is no appropriate way to verbally respond to something like this, I ended our conversation with a big hug and a few tears.

I love this kid. So much. About this <-----> much.


Ellen said...

I love hearing Anna pray too. It's so fun to get to see what she is thankful for. Kills me every time.

Martha said...

Too cute for words. What an adorable little boy you have!

Linze Kate said...

So cute! I love reading his little conversations with you - what an awesome kid... and an awesome mom. :)