Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Look, I'm Still Blogging!

Caleb practiced his hiding skills

Found you!

This may be my new favorite picture. Ever.

Caleb is clearly impressed by his parents.

You know, those parents who let their kids get stuck in trees.

And let their kids play on historically important weaponry.
On Memorial Day Peter, Caleb and I headed down to Valley Forge to check out where the first American soldiers fought. Or camped.

{That sounds really good, but really, we were like, "Oh hey! A day off! Awesome! Let's have a picnic!"}

It was so hot, but we had a fabulous time anyway. Caleb was very disappointed that there were not more gun shots. Next time, kid, next time.

1 comment:

Katie M. said...

Ha ha. Gun shots next time. Love it.

And Valley Forge. I miss that place. We made it there twice a year. And it's totally anti-climatic for me yet gravitating to always return.

I saw the weather report for Philly last week. Holy sweating heat Batman! I couldn't believe it. Meanwhile we're still wearing jackets. Literally. Not literally cool.

And I meant to mention this last time I commented, but your siblings picture from the outer banks (envious by the way), some family gene really traveled well because you ALL LOOK IDENTICAL. Seriously had you not listed the ages, I would've assumed you were septuplets.

Love ya Mrs. K. COngrats again to Pete!!!!!