Sunday, January 3, 2010

Nov and December 2009 Recap

So we've been super lame about taking pictures, and things have been a little crazy, so no pictures this time. Feel free to skip this post-- it's gonna be long and probably boring :)

For Thanksgiving we were in Pittsburgh with my family. We spent the day with my parents, grandparents and my cousins, as well as Jeff Meyer, a man who is just as much as a father as anyone could be to me and my siblings. We ate ourselves silly and watched "Up" as we all slipped into pumpkin pie induced comas. That evening my sister, Shayla, and I met up and braved the COLD, windy night to stand in line outside of Toys R US. She was hoping to get a train table on sale for Dean, so we figured we'd take our chances with the crazies and do some Black Friday shopping. We managed to survive the Midnight opening of Toys R US (although Shayla did almost get beat up by a woman with a cane) and we even managed to get all the goods we went there in search of.

Peter and I tossed Caleb off on my sweet sister-in-law so that we could speed back (or sit in a ton of traffic is more like it) to Philadelphia that following Monday for an ultrasound. We sat in awe as the screen lit up with a tiny heartbeat and we knew that we were yet again wrapped around this little one's finger (which at that point, 11 weeks, actually had a finger nail on it!). We've had a roller coaster ride over the past year or so trying to bring another little one into our family, one way or another, and actually seeing that child, with a strong heartbeat and perfect measurements was the best Early Christmas Present ever.

That same week Peter, Caleb and I drive down to Washington, D.C. for a Military Residency Fair. Caleb spent some time with Uncle Soren (who likes fast cars and fast tractors according to Caleb) and Aunt Mandy (who is also expecting a baby--their first, due a week after we are) while Peter and I peppered the Residency Directors with questions. We learned a lot and it was a little strange to know that at the next Residency Fair these same directors will be matching Peter with a program (in Dec. 2010).

Life settled down for a few weeks as we wrapped up our time in Pittsburgh. We spent lots of wonderful days with Bala and Papa, and Caleb absolutely fell in love with them.

We got back to Philadelphia just a few days before a huge snow storm, which brought nearly 2 feet of snow and cancelled everything. We were glad to be home, with the fireplace going, as we sat and watched the snow pile up. Caleb wasn't too sure what he thought of this cold, wet, stuff, but he explored with courage. That following Tuesday we "celebrated" his birthday, a rather low key event. We already had a birthday party for him, so we spent the day at the Children's Museum here in Philly and ended it with ice cream cake. The snow lasted long enough to give us all the much wanted White Christmas and was washed away the very next day. Christmas also brought cousins and aunts and uncles. Caleb thoroughly enjoyed having playmates here and woke up each morning asking, "Where Sam? Where Makayla?" It took a few days after they left for him to stop asking each moment, but even now he asks for them when he gets bored. It was great to see him make friendships with cousins.

Thanks for all the friends and family who made our Holidays complete. We love you and are so excited to spend another year with you all in our lives.

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