Thursday, June 25, 2009

18 Month-er

So it's official. He's really a toddler. I know, I know. He has been for awhile, but I could usually reason out of it. There's no denying it now. A lady at the doctor's office was like, "Now all he needs is a baby sister!" Uh-huh.....

We had his 18 month appointment today and here's the stats:

WEIGHT: 23 pounds even. 12th percentile
HEIGHT: 32 inches. 36th percentile
HEAD CIRC: 16.53 inches. Less than the 3rd percentile

Here's the things that he's been doing:

Running everywhere! He laughs so hard he can hardly walk when we chase him.

Saying animal sounds. Recently he spent the week with my parents, who have a cat, and came back saying "meow" for every animal. When he's in a good mood he will now correctly respond, but if he's feeling lazy, it's still just "meow."

He now can say too many words to list, but he's still working on putting them all together. He does say, "No Daddy?" when he realizes that Daddy's not home. And today he told the Doctor, "All Done!" after she did each part of the physical exam.

Turning on and off the lights, air conditioners, and anything else with a button.

Let's us smell his stinky feet. He thinks it's hysterical when someone reacts with, "Ewwww. Stinky feet." He'll belly laugh and then lift up his foot so you can smell it again.

Gives other babies pacifiers. I thought this was so cute when toddlers used to do this to Caleb as an infant. Now when he sees a crying baby he gives them a paci.

Says names. Especially Aubrey's. Every morning he looks at me and says, "Auuuuubeeeyyyyy." He really loves that girl!

Sleeping in a "big boy bed." He crawled out of his crib in about 15 seconds flat each night, so we bit the bullet and got him a bed. He loves it! I thought it was going to be a nightmare of a transition, but it was so easy!

I'm sure there's more, but it seems like each day he's doing something new. As for his medical situation, it looks like that is all resolved! He's taking two daily medications which control his acid reflux (which was causing ulcers and thus the bleeding) and his chronic bowel issues. We've been hospital free for over a month now and it feels great!

Now I just have to learn to say that he's one instead of saying the number of months... weird!


brohammas said...

Is it somehow wrong to wear a pair of pants named after a mint julep to the temple?

April & Anthony Callison said...

he's so cute! i just want to go up to him and grab those little cheeks of his!!

The John Hollingshaus Family said...

SOoo cute! Ouch about the car. And the trip looked fun. miss you guys.


Martha said...

Congrats Caleb on reaching another mile-marker in life! Oh, and I'm so glad his stomach/intestine thing is all taken care of now. Yay!

Caleb is SO cute!

Linze Kate said...

He is SOOOOOO stinkin' cute! Really, girl!