Thursday, June 18, 2009

We'rrrrrrrrrreeeeeee Backkkk!

Here's the pictures from our trip to Puerto Rico.  My arm was in a splint and Pete's not much of a picture person, so they are few and far between, but here's what we got:
On Sunday, before our flight, we were able to attend church in an area where Pete served for almost a year out of his mission.  He taught Tomas and his wife (in the picture above) right before he left to come home.  Tomas is now serving as the Bishop.  Pete says he didn't do much with the conversion process, Tomas pretty much jumped in the water.
This is the view from the fort.  It's pretty much the biggest tourist attraction in San Juan.
Pete in front of the cemetery.  I've never seen more crosses in one place in all my life.  
Me, with the fort in the background.  It was pretty impressive-- it took 250 years to build! (Awesome arm bandage huh?  I decided I knew better than the doctor and took my cast off when I got to Puerto Rico... hope that doesn't come back to haunt me!)
The cathedral right outside our hotel.  We stayed in an old Convent-- which sounds weird, but was absolutely beautiful!  It's one of America's Historic Hotels, which is ironic, since when it was built the Spanish were defending themselves against the Americans, but eh, no big deal.

Notice that Caleb was not in any of the pictures?  That's because my glutton for punishment sister, Katie, watched him for us while we had a childless vacation.  But don't feel too badly for him-- he flew to Hawaii the next week.

Hawaii pictures will have to wait awhile.  I couldn't drag my Rebel through security with a half broken arm and Caleb, so I got a disposable camera when I got there.  That means I actually have to develop pictures (like real, 35 mm film....) before I can post any of them.  Strange. 

1 comment:

Martha said...

Yeah! Glad you're back! So... I totally forgot about the lettuce until a couple of days ago. Dope! Oh well. Hopefully it doesn't look like a jungle out there. :)

I'll be gone to girl's camp this next week, but then I'll be back for the whole summer! So, we must get together. Take care.