Thursday, June 18, 2009

More Importantly...

More important than any vacation update is the fact that the Pittburgh Penguins won the Stanley Cup! 

A few things to note:

1. Pittsburgh won Superbowl XLIII and the Stanley Cup this season.  With the Phillies winning the World Series, Pennsylvania is pretty much the place to be.  Now if only those '76ers....

2. Anyone else notice that Pittsburgh has won Superbowl XL and the Stanley Cup in Detroit?  "Detroit, where Pittsburgh goes to win Championships"  I think it's a catchy slogan. 

3.  My city could beat up your city.  There.  I said it.


brohammas said...

Pittsburger is a city?
You mean, my declining post industrial town only has sports left and so must rely on hockey for a place to hang their hat?

A real fan would never leave the city, or the country during the finals.

I could be wrong but I think you tried to take credit for a Philly victory here?

Amanda K said...

Technically, Puerto Rico is part of the USA so I never left the country and despite the 6 hour time difference in Hawaii, I watched the games. And you never really leave Pittsburgh. :)

And I credited the STATE with being awesome-- I would never ever try to claim Philly. No way.

Martha said...

I love it. Number 3 is my favorite!