Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby News

Last week we had a few days where we thought my water may have broken prematurely. It happened Wednesday night, of course, right as we were completely snowed in from the storm. By Thursday afternoon, we still didn't have a chance of getting out of our driveway and Peter was getting more and more nervous, so he left from Norfolk, VA (where he is doing an away rotation in OB/GYN of all things) and drove the six hours home so that we could get over to the hospital to be checked out.

The doctors were concerned with the baby's fluid levels and so they sent us down to have a full ultrasound to make sure there was enough amniotic fluid for the baby. As the ultrasound tech was taking all the measurements, she asked us if we were going to find out the sex of the baby. Peter grinned and said, "Sure," despite the fact that we had already decided we were going to wait. :) (In his defense, he's been doing ultrasounds in Norfolk for the past few weeks and so when the tech measured the bladder he could already tell the sex... he said that I would have believed it more coming from the tech than if he had said it-- which is totally true).

We left the ultrasound knowing that the fluid levels looked good, and that in a few months, we'll be having a little bit more pink around this place.

So, there you go!

It's a girl!


Eric & Whitney Culbertson said...

How exciting!!!! Congrats and I'm so glad to hear that all is well.

Fike's Lives said...

You are going to have so much fun with the shopping for little girl clothes!

The Calder's said...

Congrats!!! Pink and BLUE could be more fun!

Lauren said...

Yay! We're so excited for you guys!

Chaci said...

So glad everything is ok...and that, as a bonus, we can start planning for a girl! Do you name your babies in advance?

Natalie said...

Congrats! Hope you're feeling well!

Meredith said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you, and not at all jealous. Really. Seriously!

Okay maybe a little. :)

Ann said...

You've really been going through it this pregnancy. Glad your daughter's still doing well, despite the complications. Congratulations!