Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election 2008

Whether or not you agree with his policies-- Barack Obama was just elected President of the United States. What an incredible moment in the history of America, no matter what you think of his politics. Shoot, we still talk about a black man having lunch at the White House nearly 100 years ago, and here we are with a black President.

Pete drove people to the polls yesterday and it was amazing to see the community come together. There were little old ladies on oxygen waiting to vote for a black man, waiting to vote for the first time ever. There was the Puerto Rican woman who gave Caleb a full on Catholic blessing, in Spanish none the less.

Watching the speeches last night, I was impressed by both McCain and Obama's ability to see the good in each other-- why can't they do that throughout the entire campaign? There were so many horrible things said about both candidates throughout the campaign, but I really think the words that were said last night were real and sincere-- maybe I'm being silly.

Not so excited about having a Democratic majority in Congress, but at least it is not a fillibuster proof majority. And don't worry-- if anyone can lose the majority in two years, the Democrats can do it :) Remember? "Yes we can."


Martha said...

Hee hee! I love your humor. It's great! :) This election definitely was one I'll always remember. The next two years will be quite intriguing having a Democratic major, but they will hopefully do much good with their power. Otherwise, they may loose it in two years! :) I'm most hopeful for a great few years and pray Obama and his team will lead us well! I believe they will.

Anonymous said...

Yes we can...and did!
One thing about a fillerbuster-I hate it. I think it's an antiquated practice. I would not have minded a fillerbuster-proof majority one bit.
If they(congress) could all vote their consciences and not the party line we'd be fine.
I too also am hopeful today. Let's eschew cyncism as we move forward.
Hope has won.-Kay

Amanda K said...

Ugh. I know, I hate the filibuster as well, but at the moment its the only thing the minority has to keep the majority in check. Bleh.

Vote their conscience? Politicians still have consciences? Just kidding. But seriously...