Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm a Big Boy Now!

Caleb has a little trouble keeping food down. Part of the problem is his acid reflux. Not all babies have completely developed muscles in their esophagus, and the muscle isn't strong enough to keep all the stomach acid where it belongs.

He's becoming a real champ at taking his medicine-- which is impressive, considering it is flavored grape peppermint. (The medicine itself is peppermint flavored and the pharmacy adds grape to make it a little better). I wouldn't take this medicine, and for about a month, Caleb has fought us tooth and nail morning and night when he is due for a dose. But just this past week he has started just taking the medicine. He now gulps it down (all 1.5 mL) without batting an eye. The Zantac has really helped, he doesn't get the heartburn and the discomfort anymore, but he still tends to throw up a lot. The doctor said this is normal, since the Zantac only neutralizes the stomach acid-- it doesn't actually help the muscle in the esophagus, which is what would normally prevent someone from throwing up.

The big news, though, is that he is now eating cereal! Our doctor suggested giving him a small amount of cereal to eat, even though he is only 3 months. Here in the United States, it is recommended that babies start solid food around 4 months, but our pediatrician said that the solid food might "stick" better and help him keep his food down.

He still hasn't figured out how to keep the food in his mouth-- he still sticks his tongue out like he's nursing, but I'm determined to stick with it, even though nursing seems so much easier right now. He's getting used to the high chair, and he now even eats the whole bowl of oatmeal without crying. I just can't believe he's big enough to have solid foods.

But he loves it... I'm not sure how much of it he actually eats-- most of it just gets shoved out of his mouth. But he's learning and it's entertaining in the meantime.

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